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Fieldwalking in England – History Beneath Our Feet
For all the family – Explore History on your next walk because beneath our feet, is a world of history waiting to be discovered. Field walking is a wonderful way to discover history. It’s a pastime easily shared with the family and it’s hands on history that you can touch with your hands. (Off cause most land is privately owned, so if you can please try and obtain permission before field walking.) Field Walking is non-evasive, and the best time to go hunting is late in the autumn and during the winter months after the fields have been harvested and the soil has been ploughed. You will be surprised with what you might find, pottery sherds, Roman Tile and Brick and a scattering of Flint tools are common finds. You don’t need a metal detector for this kind of treasure hunting and your not digging any holes to retrieve items found. All you need is a good pair of eyes. It’s also easy, it gets you out into the fresh air and it’s a wonderful way to teach your children the history that lies beneath their feet. Any finds you do discover (if you wish) can be recorded with the portable antiquities scheme which is ‘voluntary’, but important too. As your finds might open up a previously unknown historical site. So your hard work will add to our knowledge and understanding of the history of that given land. Beneath our feet is a world waiting to be discovered.
- Published: 16 April 2021
- Location: Essex, England
- Duration: 17:12
- Photography – Stephen Robert Kuta / Yhana Kuta
- Written by – Stephen Robert Kuta
Music –
Music Licensed by Epidemic Sound
For all the family – Explore History on your next walk because beneath our feet, is a world of history waiting to be discovered. Field walking is a wonderful way to discover history. It’s a pastime easily shared with the family and it’s hands on history that you can touch with your hands. (Off cause most land is privately owned, so if you can please try and obtain permission before field walking.) Field Walking is non-evasive, and the best time to go hunting is late in the autumn and during the winter months after the fields have been harvested and the soil has been ploughed. You will be surprised with what you might find, pottery sherds, Roman Tile and Brick and a scattering of Flint tools are common finds. You don’t need a metal detector for this kind of treasure hunting and your not digging any holes to retrieve items found. All you need is a good pair of eyes. It’s also easy, it gets you out into the fresh air and it’s a wonderful way to teach your children the history that lies beneath their feet. Any finds you do discover (if you wish) can be recorded with the portable antiquities scheme which is ‘voluntary’, but important too. As your finds might open up a previously unknown historical site. So your hard work will add to our knowledge and understanding of the history of that given land. Beneath our feet is a world waiting to be discovered.
Stephen and Yhana – History and Adventure Hunters Almanac

The book is available to buy through Amazon and via all good bookshops.
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