Y-DNA Haplogroup | R-CTS2509 | Anglo-Saxon / Germanic DNA
Todays video takes a look at my 4x great-grandfather – Edward Leggett paternal Y-DNA Haplogroup. A group called R-CTS2509, This haplogroup has been kindly shared with me by a cousin belonging to the Leggett male lineage. The phylogenetic tree of R1b-U106 (S21), is shown here – You will see that the branches of the Haplogroup R-CTS2509 are shown in the bottom right hand corner of the tree. This entire tree is growing in complexity. And those branches in the bottom right hand corner are the newest lineages. The paternal groups of these newest branches are Z7 and Z319 have their estimated time of most recent ancestor is barely 1500 years. So this is the youngest of all the Haplogroup subclades we have looked at in these videos. 1500 years ago, means that they roughly date from the time of the Anglo-Saxon migrations or possibly later. Obviously the most developed branches of the tree are mostly Anglo-Saxon since genetic genealogy is far more popular in English-speaking countries than elsewhere and many of the most active researchers are of British descent. So most of this evidence comes from testing English speaking people. The Anglo-Saxons were a cultural group who inhabited England in the Early Middle Ages. They traced their origins to settlers who came to Britain from mainland Europe in the 5th century. However, the ethnogenesis of the Anglo-Saxons happened within Britain, and the identity was not merely imported. Anglo-Saxon identity arose from interaction between incoming groups from several Germanic tribes, both amongst themselves, and with indigenous Britons. Many of the natives, over time, adopted Anglo-Saxon culture and language and were assimilated. The Anglo-Saxons established the concept, and the Kingdom, of England, and though the modern English language owes somewhat less than 26% of its words to their language, this includes the vast majority of words used in everyday speech. In my own lineage – This Haplogroup subclade CTS2509, found within the Leggett branches of my family history comes from East Anglia, the family were based around Suffolk and Norfolk. The surname Leggett was first found in Somerset where the Latin entry Hugolinus Legatus was recorded in 1084, two years before the Domesday Book of 1086. It is believed there is a French connection to this surname, a surname possibly brought to England during the Norman conquest of England. If we compare the surname origin to this Anglo Saxon DNA Subclade, then this branch of the family may well have exist in the British isles as early as those Saxon times and may have adopted the French word of Leggett or Legat, when surnames became popular during medieval times. I can trace my Leggett family as far back as my 10th great-grandfather to a Nicholas Leggett of Thurlton Norfolk, he was born circa. 1625 and died in 1703 in Hopton, Suffolk near Lowestoft. I have one more Haplogroup video to cover in this series, and I will be covering that in a couple of weeks time. Next week however is the twelve video in this origins series and I will be taking a look at Gateway Ancestors. It’s a topic that’s a must for anyone with an interest in genealogy as it really does open up all of your research into well documented pedigrees spanning centuries, countries and intriguing lines of nobility. #RCTS2509 #YDNA #HAPLOGROUP
* * Welcome to Stephen and Yhana History and Adventure Hunters Stephen and Yhana are a duo of adventure seekers and they record their adventures for YouTube. THEY – TREASURE HUNT / VISIT HISTORICAL / CULTURAL / FUN LOCATIONS that all the family can enjoy and they write and narrate wonderful stories from history and the world of genealogy. (Sometimes… even whilst cycling or kayaking.) They are uncle and niece (Stephen being Yhana’s legal guardian and has been since she was three weeks old.) At Home – It is just the two of them and they both share a common interest and that’s exploring and adventure seeking. Stephen Robert Kuta, is also an author, genealogist, historian, photographer and a keen traveller. Yhana loves YouTube, Ice cream, theme parks and the Romans. Our goal is to create content which focuses on history, genealogy and adventure – This includes future published material as well as film creation. We would love your support, So please Join our adventure and support our journey by hitting that SUBSCRIBE Button.
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Music featured in our videos is licensed by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra…
- Published: 6 June 2022
- Location: Chelmsford, Essex
- Duration: 6:01
- Photography – Stephen Robert Kuta
- Written by – Stephen Robert Kuta
Music –
Music Licensed by Epidemic Sound
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