Editor of the Sunday Express in 1928, wrote, “I would rather give a healthy boy or a healthy girl a phial of prussic acid than this novel History has shown that book reviews can often be marred by what is socially acceptable. Some books have outraged, offended and ultimately banned because people in the past and in some …
The 1948 New York Times review of The City and the Pillar The City and the Pillar sparked a public scandal, including notoriety and criticism, not only since it was released at a time when homosexuality was commonly considered immoral, but also because it was the first book by an accepted American author to portray overt homosexuality as …
James Pratt and John Smith, the last men to hang for Sodomy in England – Date of Execution: 1835 Although anal sex between consenting male adults is now legal in the UK, this was by no means always the case. Astonishingly, homosexual activity was a criminal offence right up until 1967, when the law was …