Mesolithic stone tools
The Mesolithic is the name given to the period between the end of the last ice age, In Britain the Mesolithic (Middle Stone) period began around 12,000 years ago as the climate began to warm up at the end of the last Ice Age. Trees and plants began to grow again and forest animals such as deer crossed the land bridge that then linked Britain to Europe.
This period in history was the beginning of settled farming around 5,500 years ago. This period saw a big movement of people and many hunting parties began to visit England regularly, Eventually the British Isles became their home.
Mesolithic Scraper Mesolithic Scraper Mesolithic Scraper Mesolithic Scraper
Mesolithic Scraper
Provenance: Found close to the River Ter Valley near Chelmsford, Essex
Description: Mesolithic Scraper made with brown chert and retouched along the edge. The bulb of percussion is still present.
Found in context with other Mesolithic stone age tools.
Size: 6.7 cm x 5.1 cm
Weight: 59g
Age: 8000 BCE – 4000 BCE