Black Sam Bellamy / The Prince of Pirates / Robin Hood of the Seas / The Whydah

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Black Sam Bellamy / The Prince of Pirates / Robin Hood of the Seas / The Whydah

Black Sam Bellamy / The Prince of Pirates / Robin Hood of the Seas / The Whydah

The Prince of Pirates Robin Hood of the Sea The Gentleman Pirate On the evening of April 26, 1717, Captain Sam Bellamy’s ship Whdyah was caught in a ferocious storm, the ship was battered with high winds and waves so high they engulfed everything in its path. The Whydah was lost that fateful evening with all hands on deck, only two men survived. The wreck of Whydah has since been found, including countless gold and six skeletons, One skeleton was Discovered embedded in a concretion, the anonymous pirate died with a pistol in his hand and metal—likely gold—stashed in his pocket The body of the man had been crushed beneath the weight of a 400-pound roll of lead that’s encapsulated within the concretion, archaeologist’s have since added, “that you can see that the lead was right on top of his skeleton.” – of all the bones found, most are broken. Crushed beneath the weight of a sinking ship. The Whydah went down off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A former slave ship turned pirate ship that has spawned legend after legend of its Captain and onboard treasure. Stories of love and loss that will last forever. Samuel Bellamy was the richest pirate that ever lived. (Note: I forgot to mention in video that my 1st cousin 5x removed ‘Samuel Black Leggett’ was born 100 years after Black Sam Bellamy died, I have always believed he was named Samuel Black in memory of his 1st cousin, 4x removed – Black Sam’) #blacksambellamy #pirates #theprinceofpirates #thewhydah

  • Published: 17 December 2021
  • Location:
  • Duration: 21:15
  • Photography – Stephen Robert Kuta / Yhana Kuta
  • Written by – Stephen Robert Kuta

Music –

Music Licensed by Epidemic Sound

Black Sam Bellamy / The Prince of Pirates / Robin Hood of the Seas / The Whydah

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