First World War Centenary On the 11th November 2018, we reach the centenary year of World War One. 100 years since the end of conflict. “On the centenary of the Armistice we will give thanks for peace and for those that returned, and remember the sacrifice of the 800,000 soldiers who died” World War One …
Month: October 2018
First World War Centenary On the 11th November 2018, we reach the centenary year of World War One. 100 years since the end of conflict. “On the centenary of the Armistice we will give thanks for peace and for those that returned, and remember the sacrifice of the 800,000 soldiers who died” World War One …
Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute – 11 November 2018. On 11 November 2018, the United Kingdom and its friends overseas will mark the day 100 years ago when the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War. Recently I have been re-reading a few anthologies of some of our greatest war poets and …
Morning to all, over the next month or so Poetry is going to be a big subject on my page and blog, mostly in relation to the upcoming Centenary of World War One, and our remembrance of the 800,000 soldiers that died in conflict during the first world war. War Poetry is a subject I …