Become a Patron! Mesolithic Treasure Hunting Stephen and Yhana go in search of a possible Mesolithic / Neolithic Camp Site and a prehistoric pathway that ran northwards from a Neolithic / Bronze Age Cursus in a straight line (True North) and ended at Seahenge in Norfolk. Their journey takes them to the banks of the …
Become a Patron! Treasure Hunting in the Snow | Neolithic | Mesolithic | Palaeolithic Stone Age Finds Whether your field walking, metal detecting, mudlarking there is always something interesting and incredible to find. In this episode Stephen and Yhana go field walking in search of England’s most distant past. They are searching for flint tools …
Become a Patron! Lockdown Neolithic Treasure Hunting Find / We Found a Stone Age Hammer Join Stephen and Yhana as they head out on a Neolithic Treasure Hunting Trip. To their surprise they discover their biggest find yet. A Neolithic Stone Age Hammer. The British Neolithic Period dates from 4000 – 2500 BCE. So this …
Become a Patron! Treasure Hunting, Field Walking, Medieval and Neolithic Finds Stephen and Yhana head out on a field walking trip and find 800 year old finger prints on a medieval sherd of pottery. Along the way Stephen and Yana also find neolithic tools, including flint scrapers and a very primitive, crude flint neolithic knife …
The Neolithic British Isles refers to the period of British, Irish and Manx history that spanned from c. 4000 to c. 2,500 BCE. The final part of the Stone Age in the British Isles, it was a part of the greater Neolithic, or “New Stone Age“, across Europe. Humans first settled down and began farming. …
The Neolithic British Isles refers to the period of British, Irish and Manx history that spanned from c. 4000 to c. 2,500 BCE. The final part of the Stone Age in the British Isles, it was a part of the greater Neolithic, or “New Stone Age“, across Europe. Humans first settled down and began farming. …
The Neolithic British Isles refers to the period of British, Irish and Manx history that spanned from c. 4000 to c. 2,500 BCE. The final part of the Stone Age in the British Isles, it was a part of the greater Neolithic, or “New Stone Age“, across Europe. Humans first settled down and began farming. …
The Neolithic British Isles refers to the period of British, Irish and Manx history that spanned from c. 4000 to c. 2,500 BCE. The final part of the Stone Age in the British Isles, it was a part of the greater Neolithic, or “New Stone Age“, across Europe. Humans first settled down and began farming. …
The Neolithic British Isles refers to the period of British, Irish and Manx history that spanned from c. 4000 to c. 2,500 BCE. The final part of the Stone Age in the British Isles, it was a part of the greater Neolithic, or “New Stone Age“, across Europe. Humans first settled down and began farming. …
The Neolithic British Isles refers to the period of British, Irish and Manx history that spanned from c. 4000 to c. 2,500 BCE. The final part of the Stone Age in the British Isles, it was a part of the greater Neolithic, or “New Stone Age“, across Europe. Humans first settled down and began farming. …