Archeology and Antiquity Collection
Below is a full list of Roman items that I hold in my private collection, they include Roman items found in Britain, North Africa and Europe.
Many of these items were acquired at auction and the Roman pottery sherds were found during field walking trips.
R001 – Colchester Roman BLACK-BURNISHED Ware 2

R002 – BLACK-BURNISHED Ware 2 Pottery Sherd

R003 – Ancient Roman Terracotta Jar

R004 – Ancient Roman Terracotta Small Vessel

R005 – Fragments of Roman Tiles

R006 – Roman Brick

R007 – Roman Samian Ware Sherd

ROO8 – Fragment of Roman Gutter

R009 – Roman Brick (British Find)

R010 – Roman red ware pottery vessel c.4th century A.D

R011 – Roman Brick (British Find)

R012 – Fragment of Roman Brick (British Find)

R013 – Part of The Roman London Wall (British Find)

R014 – Ancient Roman Terracotta Cup

R015 – Fragment of Roman Brick (British Find)

R016 – Roman Pottery Jar