Origins Ep 2 / DNA – K1a1a / Haplogroup / MtDNA
Todays video takes a look at my maternal Haplogroup. A group called K1A1A, Which can be traced back to a genetic mutation that occurred 9,000 years ago, This woman lived 360 generations ago, and every person that carries the genetic marker K1a1a are descended from this one woman. So maternally she is our Eve and this group is relatively uncommon too, on 23andme it is a genetic marker shared with only 1 in every 1,400 people As mentioned already K1a1a, broke away from its parent group 9,000 years ago and this maternal line stems from a branch of haplogroup K called K1a. K1a is a widespread haplogroup that traces back to a woman who lived nearly 20,000 years ago, right around the time of the last great peak of the Ice Age. As the Ice Age gradually loosened its grasp on the global climate an event which took several millennia, waves of migration began to spread across Europe from the middle East I’m going to take a brief look at the more distant ancestry of K1a, before moving on to more recent times, so please keep watching as there is a few interesting things coming up in this video. Haplogroup K, is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. It is defined by the HVR1 mutations 16224C and 16311C. It is now known that K is a subclade of U8b In more simple terms, these Haplogroups are all branches of a tree, our human phylogenetic tree. U8b is a dominant much older branch, and from that branch stems K1 and K2, two separate subclades that mutated and broke away from U8b. As mentioned previously Haplogroup K is believed to have originated in the mid-Upper Paleolithic, 20,000 years ago. It is the most common subclade of haplogroup U8b Overall the mtDNA haplogroup K is found in about 6% of the population of Europe and the Near East. The mtdna group K, is divided into two subclades, K1 and K2, The latter branch being the smallest. K1 divided again into K1a, K1b and K1def K1a being the parent group of nine subclades and mutations. I have included the U8 Phylogenetic tree to give a clear example of what this maternal tree actually looks like. The descendants of which include, Near East, European and Ashkenazi Jewish descendants. #dnaorigins #k1a1a #mtdna #haplogroup
- Published: 4 April 2022
- Location: Chelmsford, Essex
- Duration: 14:20
- Photography – Stephen Robert Kuta / Yhana Kuta
- Written by – Stephen Robert Kuta
Music –
Music Licensed by Epidemic Sound
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