Neptune’s Tower – Kingsgate Bay near Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent

Neptune's Tower - Kingsgate Bay near Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent
Neptune’s Tower – Kingsgate Bay near Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent

Neptune’s Tower – Kingsgate Bay near Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent

Neptune Towers stands on the cliffs at Kingsgate, next to a golf course, the folly was built at around the same time as Kingsgate Castle, by Lord Holland in 1760, which is just a little further along the cliffs. It was constructed in the shape of a typical Henrican castle but on a much smaller scale, with four bastions and a tower in the central courtyard (demolished in the 1970’s), the footings of which can still be seen. The tower was used by the Royal Observer Corps as a look out post during World War II. Apparently Lord Holland built several follies around his castle, but Neptune Towers, which was called Arx Ruochim and it is said to have replaced a tower erected here by King Vortigern in 458 AD. #neptunestower #broadstairs #botanybay

Yhana and I will mention your support in one of our upcoming videos. * ?… * ? *

  • Published: 11 August 2022
  • Location: Botany Bay, Kent, England
  • Duration: 6:41
  • Photography – Stephen Robert Kuta
  • Written by – Stephen Robert Kuta

Music –

Music Licensed by Epidemic Sound

Neptune’s Tower – Kingsgate Bay near Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent

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