How To Combine Your Family History With Genetic DNA | What DNA Kit Should You Buy?
In Today’s episode we are going to take a look at how to combine your family history research with genetic DNA. We will be looking at three different DNA Kits on offer and the sites that will provide you with everything you need to further your research and even solve illegitimacy issues. This video is not sponsored by any DNA sites these are my own personal choices and I will be sharing my reasons behind these choices with you today. After all, we all want to spend our money wisely and achieve results from the DNA KITS we purchase. I have been studying my DNA for seven years, and I have been researching my family history for 25 years. Over that vast amount of time I have seen huge developments and changes in what is available to the genealogist. I saw family search in its infancy and remember it as only a place to search the IGI, The International Genealogical Index, and it was very sparse at the time with not enough available information to help grow your family tree confidently. I remember Ancestry when it was a company offering just cd’s and floppy discs. Now look at them, the biggest site out there. This video will be perfect for beginners, seasonal researchers and the more experienced. I manage several DNA KITS across many different platforms, and I also manage kits for most of my closest family members, I use the power of my families combined DNA to push my genealogical research as far as I can. Okay ladies and gentlemen let’s begin… This video is about using your genetic DNA as a powerful tool to push your family history further. #geneticdna #familyhistory #dna
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* * Welcome to Stephen and Yhana History and Adventure Hunters Stephen and Yhana are a duo of adventure seekers and they record their adventures for YouTube. THEY – TREASURE HUNT / VISIT HISTORICAL / CULTURAL / FUN LOCATIONS that all the family can enjoy and they write and narrate wonderful stories from history and the world of genealogy. (Sometimes… even whilst cycling or kayaking.) They are uncle and niece (Stephen being Yhana’s legal guardian and has been since she was three weeks old.) At Home – It is just the two of them and they both share a common interest and that’s exploring and adventure seeking. Stephen Robert Kuta, is also an author, genealogist, historian, photographer and a keen traveller. Yhana loves YouTube, Ice cream, theme parks and the Romans. Our goal is to create content which focuses on history, genealogy and adventure – This includes future published material as well as film creation. We would love your support, So please Join our adventure and support our journey by hitting that SUBSCRIBE Button.
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Music featured in our videos is licensed by Epidemic Sound…
- Published: 25 April 2022
- Location: Chelmsford, Essex
- Duration: 16:32
- Photography – Stephen Robert Kuta
- Written by – Stephen Robert Kuta
Music –
Music Licensed by Epidemic Sound
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