A Beautiful Piece of Storytelling

A beautiful piece of story telling.

The Murder of Maid Marian, is the eighth story in my collected works for Halloween. This is not a terrifying story, it is actually very sad and beautifully told. If you like a bedtime story, this is perfect for you.

The tragic element of this tale, is the nature in which Matilda fitzwalter dies.

Extract from story below / Full story featured and narrated via the youtube video link.

The golden bracelet was encrusted with semi-precious stones and lined with purple velvet, a colour so rare and so expensive to make that Matilda was overcome by such an extravagant gift. 

It was presented to her on her 18th birthday by an admirer she cared little for.

The King of England

He had already requested her on many occasions to attend his rooms at Beaumont Palace, but she always refused him. It is not good to refuse a King of England, especially King John.

His desire turned to hate.

Matilda Fitz Walter was born c.1195 some believe in Maldon, Essex she was daughter of a wealthy Baron Robert Fitz Walter “Lord of Dunmow Castle” (1162 – 1235) and Gunnor de Valognes (1169 – 1203),

She was Murdered with a poisoned golden bracelet not long after her 18th year and now lies buried in the Priory Church of Little Dunmow.

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